How to charge a mobile phone in a car without charging?


The content of the article:

  • What is necessary
  • We connect and collect
  • We follow the rules
  • Additional advice

The younger generation of drivers differs significantly from the drivers of the USSR times. Young drivers can be divided into three groups, those who understand cars can somehow approach the car and those who do not look under the hood at all. Remembering drivers from the former USSR, you can be surprised and listen to their stories for a long time. In fact, many could repair the car in the field, seal the gas tank with soap, or make the engine run without a fuel pump.

Today, most of the young drivers have "degraded" and try not to look under the hood of the car. On the other hand, cars have become more reliable, so there is no need to carry a bunch of spare parts in the trunk in order to repair the car on the road. A discharged mobile phone is considered a modern problem, without which practically nothing can be solved. Worse if there is no phone charger in the car. Or it is out of order, and the car has broken down in the middle of the road and there is no help nearby.

What is needed to charge a mobile phone without charging?

Imagine that the standard cigarette lighter charger for your mobile phone shows no signs of life. As a rule, the control board inside the plug burns out. It is almost impossible to fix it in artisanal conditions. But you shouldn't despair either, because people invented exercises. The most important part is the plug into the mobile phone, for the most part today it is micro USB. The main thing is that he remains safe and sound.

The main problem is on a 12V battery, and to charge a mobile phone you need a maximum of 6V, and ideally 5V. To do this, we will use bulbs from the rear stops, they will extinguish excess voltage and act as resistors to adjust the voltage.

It's nice to always have pliers, a hammer and a couple of keys in the car. In principle, this is the usual set of tools that the driver should carry with him. With charging, you will need the connector itself and the wires. Smash the burnt part or crush the body with your foot. Be sure to strip the wires on charge, with a small margin for further twisting.

As for car bulbs, it is best to use from stops, each with a power of 21 watts. The power should not be lower, otherwise burn the mobile phone. Bulbs from the interior lampshades will not work, since their power is 5-10 watts. You can remove the bulbs from the stops without additional tools. The very procedure for removing light bulbs depends on the car model, and there is no point in describing it.

We collect the circuit and connect to the battery

Not everyone can assemble a diagram without a description. You need to be well versed in electrics, distinguish parallel from serial connection, and understand where the power comes from and where. To make it easier, we will tell you in stages and in detail how the entire collection procedure goes. The basic rule! Carefully observe the polarity of the cable, according to the rules, the red cable is always plus "+", and the black one - minus "-". It is in this order that you will need to connect the wires to the battery. The circuit is very simple, the black charging cable should go to the negative terminal of the battery, and the red one connects with the bulbs at the point of their connection.

Do not start the engine, it may cause a voltage drop (usually high), which will burn the mobile phone board. It is worth connecting the bulbs in series, thus, the load will decrease. From the positive terminal, the wire goes to the core of the light bulb (center contact). We attach the second wire to the base of the light bulb and pull it onto the core of another light bulb. It is on the second wire that you will need to connect the red wire from the charging.

Please note that it is better to connect in the middle so that the load is evenly distributed between the bulbs. One more wire is needed to connect the base of the last light bulb with the negative terminal and the negative charging wire. Consider this, the circuit is assembled.

We follow the connection rules

An electrician is a delicate matter and you shouldn't be nervous. If something does not work out, then you are doing something wrong. At the time of connecting the wires, instead of soldering, you can use electrical tape, but make sure that there is good contact. To connect to the core of the light bulb, it is better to twist the stripped wire into a loop, the contact will be more reliable and will not jump out from under the electrical tape.

Strictly observe the polarity when connecting the wires. The black wire goes to the minus of the battery, the red one to the positive terminal. Connect the bulbs only in series. Important! First, connect the assembled circuit to the battery, when the lights come on, just stick the plug into the mobile phone. This not only speaks of a properly assembled circuit, but also the fact that your mobile phone will not burn out. If you do the opposite (first insert the plug into the mobile device, then the wires to the battery), there is a possibility that a voltage jump can burn the board of the mobile device.

What else can you recommend?

The scheme is quite simple and it will not be difficult to assemble it. Still, there are drivers who are afraid of electricians and never agree to such actions. The best way out of this situation is to carry a spare push-button phone with a charged battery in the glove compartment.

It would be very nice to buy a charger on a solar panel, it is relatively inexpensive, but in the most difficult situation it can help out. The main thing is to choose the right charging plug, since old-style mobile phones have features for charging connectors.

Such a scheme will be useful for those who are often on the road, went to distant places on vacation, or simply got into an unpleasant situation. There is no difficulty in assembling, the main thing is to connect the elements in stages, you can also use a hinged method, this is not 220V and there will be no voltage shock, you will feel the maximum warmth from the parts. For the sake of interest, in your free time, try to assemble a circuit in a garage to make sure of the simplicity and reliability of the method.
