Car horoscope for the week from June 12 to June 18


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  1. Auto horoscope from 12 to 18 June
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fishes

The paths sparkle merrily after the June rain, and clean cars with smart drivers ride along them. Has a miracle happened and we got rid of our two eternal troubles? Alas, the stars saw this idyll in a dream, and the roads, as before, without asphalt, and not only competent motorists rush along them, but also reckless drivers (simply - fools). Let's not be sad, but become independent - such as the holiday, from which the week begins, tells us to be. It is better to celebrate Independence Day on suburban roads - there both the traffic cops are more accommodating, and the chauffeur fraternity is held in high esteem. We all drive in the villages and do not listen to the weather forecast - cars are not afraid of rain, and, by the way, they like puddles.

Auto horoscope from 12 to 18 June


Aries, these June days do not go to the forest and do not tempt fate. Indeed, the people celebrate the Serpentine holiday, on which it is forbidden to disturb reptiles. We are talking about snakes, but what did you think? Traffic cops stand calmly, do not touch anyone, waving their sticks. And, by the way, you maneuver so dashingly on the tracks that even hardened racers salute you. Maybe it makes sense to slow down and take a look at the surrounding landscape? On the sidelines this summer week there is a lot of interesting things - on the right, forest fairies, dressed up to meet the road princes, and on the left, village sorceresses, among the common people old women-summer residents selling fresh vegetables and berries.


Taurus, make way for cars with signaling - there will be a lot of fancy cars this week. Although they will clear their way, even if there is a fifteen-kilometer-long traffic jam ahead, cool cars have wings, because they are mostly driven by celestials. But let's not talk about the sad, because your worries are much more important than those of the cones. Remember: you must have a cable with you (do not be afraid, not for you). This rope does not ask to eat, the machine does not annoy, and you will have a great opportunity to help some poor fellow. Just do not mark your acquaintance too violently - the iron horse has other plans, and she will prefer to take a nap in the garage.


Gemini, this week's racers are not those who drive fast, but those who crawl like a turtle. And all because more than a hundred years ago, the world's first car races were held in France. And the drivers were accelerating right up to thirty kilometers per hour - this was considered aerobatics. Let's remember the guys with a kind word, and let's go further. Look at the oncoming cars - they do not blink out of idleness, but report that cute traffic cops are located around the corner. Wink back, slow down, and put the documents closer - do not make the patrol boys wait, they are too nervous now (although, no wonder, because these days nobody was even fined).


Cancers, unharness your iron horse, and arrange a luxurious vacation for her - this summer week the people celebrate the holiday of Eremey Raspryagalnik. But choose repair shops carefully - there are so many of them that your eyes run up. Trust the old masters, because many of the newcomers have not even heard about the crankshaft, and the word clutch begins to reboot their brain. Closer to the weekend, your favorite car will be drawn to nature - imagine, iron horses also love to watch the sunset and listen to cuckoo songs. The main thing is that the car does not start asking the bird: how much is left for it - the superstitious piece of iron cannot count, and will think something wrong.

A lion

Lions, keep a close eye on the female drivers - there is real panic among the ladies this week. All the auto ladies are singing "Jimmy-Jimmy, acha, acha," and are leaning out of the windows from excess of feelings. Everything is clear, because during this summer period, the favorite of many women, Mithun Chakraborty, celebrates its birthday (if you are a lady driver, then you perfectly understand what this is about). But we, alas, are not in India, therefore we do not ride elephants. Although it would be great - you look down on the cars, and you don't notice the formidable traffic cops. The main thing is not to fall asleep on the back of this stately animal, otherwise you will wake up in a patrol car (the stars claim that there is nothing interesting in a police car, sheer melancholy).


Virgo, the stars are in a hurry to please the drivers of your sign - the situation on the roads these June days is almost perfect. Ask why almost? Yes traffic jams, whether they are wrong. It seems that the roads were widened, and the prices for gasoline were increased, and the fines were toughened - there are more and more cars, and they also say that the people are becoming impoverished. Something in heaven began to often talk about politics, do not pay attention, but go calmly about your business, because the car behaves cheerfully and positively during this period of summer. It will jump when it sees a hole, then it purrs, noticing the approaching traffic police post. In fact, the good mood of the car is understandable - she is a fan of Maxim Galkin, and he has a birthday on the weekend.


Libra, this week give a lift to everyone who is dressed up in white outfits - people are celebrating the day of the medical worker, suddenly the doctors are rushing to the party. At the same time, ask your fellow travelers why medicine is free with us, and without a bundle of banknotes, a cough cannot be cured? The doctors will measure your blood pressure, check your sugar, and even knock on the machine to see if the iron horse has caught a cold in the draft. The main thing is to make sure that passengers do not leave beautiful handbags with embroidered crosses in the cabin (although this is nonsense, if only the snake twisting around the bowl is not forgotten). For beauty, you can hang a figurine of Aibolit on the mirror - the machine will be delighted.


Scorpios, remember, as in the song: dear, you know so much, and so on. Our roads know everything, and about everyone, moreover, the tracks are also remembered by the drivers. Do you think that reckless drivers accidentally fall under the sights of a striped stick after another trick? No, the travel angels conjured it up. You are not in danger of meeting with the traffic cops - this week you are geniuses of the roads, and even the grandmothers who sell delicious tomatoes on the roadside salutes you. Try to stop near the old ladies - you see, some summer resident will tell you good luck, and even throw vegetables on the salad. Give an old lady a ride - the iron horse never had a grandmother, and the machine will be incredibly happy with such a passenger.


Sagittarius, your hands smelled of both gasoline and rain, but you don't care - the machine is your best friend forever and ever. This week you will be convinced that your feelings with the iron horse are mutual - the car does not even need a navigator, it reads your mind, and is ready to take you anywhere. Why don't you rush to the Netherlands? They celebrate a gorgeous date there - a herring holiday. There are flags, fish, and black bread all around. And they wash down the yummy with fresh cold beer, the main thing is not to get behind the wheel after libations. But if you are far from the Netherlands, go to your friends 'dacha, at the same time show off new rugs and covers - your friends' cars will go crazy with envy.


Capricorns, if you have a truck, then you are the lucky ones this summer week. Indeed, in such a wheelbarrow you can load anything you want, including manure. There is a holiday among the people - the day of Mitrofan the Dump, and you will earn some money and please the heavens. But if the machine categorically refuses to smell, you will have to make concessions to it - the stars do not recommend quarreling with the iron horse. Moreover, there are a lot of holidays in this June period, and you can rejoice with the onset of the Day of Wind together with the typewriter.If only there was a passing breeze, but don't worry, the stars will take care of this, and your car will not meet evil uncles with striped sticks and will not get into any traffic jams.


Aquarians, you have an assignment: share the secret of a good memory with careless drivers and tell us how you managed to remember "right" and "left". Especially these conversations are needed by blondes behind the wheel (the stars hope that blond ladies are not offended). The ladies are already writing the letters "P" and "L" on their legs and arms with oil paint, but there is still no sense. Overall, this June road period will be good. Just in case, carry sweets in the glove compartment - goodies will come in handy on suburban roads. In remote villages, traditions are honored, and perhaps you will find yourself on the Green Vyun holiday, in which you need to present the kids with sweets. You can weave a wreath for an iron horse - your machine is still a fashionista.


Pisces, check the work of the janitors - cabbage butterflies have become active this week, and your typewriter does not like such a neighborhood. Insects on the windshield are beautiful, but very troublesome. Let them fly in the gardens, in June you have enough worries without butterflies. Follow popular advice and protect your car from communicating with traffic cops. One day in this summer period, the holiday Ustin - Lingonberry Lips is celebrated. Tear off the willow branch, and when you drive up to the traffic police post, stick it into the asphalt. According to popular beliefs, this method helps to get rid of unnecessary communication. While the patrol guys are scratching their heads in bewilderment, you are already gone.

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