Who drives a car better - men or women?


The content of the article:

  • Features of physiology
  • Police statistics
  • Insurance company arguments
  • Conclusions of world statistics
  • Driving school statistics
  • Who is better

Gender differences from time immemorial have served as a reason for humor and strife, mutual grievances and anecdotes. In the context of driving a car, a woman behind the wheel has already become overgrown with all sorts of "cliches" and myths claiming the complete inability of the weaker sex to cope with such a complex and dangerous technical device.

Is auto lady so bad and who actually drives better - women or men?

Features of physiology

Medicine gladly joins in many years of discussions and brings its own arguments. It turns out that vision is structured differently in men and women, which fundamentally affects the driving style. Women have more developed peripheral vision, which allows them to perceive the traffic situation more diversely and better.

Researchers joke that a woman owes this skill due to the need to manage the household, while watching the series on TV, dining on the stove and playing children.

But men can boast of their tunnel vision, which allows them to see obstacles on the way earlier. It is to him that they should be grateful for their achievements in motor sports.

Differs in the opposite sexes and hearing. So, women are better oriented due to the ability to catch several sounds at the same time. Men are able to perceive only a single sound signal, and the brain chooses which of the noises is more important, which sometimes turns out to be incorrect.

Police statistics

In our country, there are no comparative statistics, but in Europe and America, an interesting study was carried out based on police data.

After reviewing reports on various types of offenses committed on many types of transport, the conclusion was obtained that motorists are many times more likely than autolayers to go against the rules of the road and, in general, are distinguished by more dangerous driving.

Accordingly, since the stronger sex does not follow the rules, it is he who causes the majority of road accidents. Finally, only men "suffer" from regular speed violations.

The following is a list of violations analyzed by US Highway Patrols in a male: female ratio.

  1. In careless driving, which is not considered an offense in Russia, 3.4 men to 1 woman are seen.
  2. Aggressive driving style, which is also not punishable in our country, is distinguished by 3.08 men to 1 woman.
  3. No fastened seat belt - 3.07 to 1;
  4. Exceeding the speed limit - 1.65 to 1;
  5. Do not pass a car with an advantage - 1.54 to 1;
  6. Failure to comply with the Stop road sign - 1.53 to 1.

For Americans, reckless driving is classified as one of the most serious violations, as it involves a disregard for their own safety and for other road users.

Russian jurisprudence suggests that out of 600 thousand motorists stopped for traffic violations, 79% are men. In addition, male drivers are 5 times more likely to drive while intoxicated.

Insurance company arguments

Insurers also keep their statistics, analyzing road accidents not only by category and severity, but also by “gender”.

It turns out that the worst of all autolady cope with parking, maneuvers in reverse, as well as the rules for crossing equivalent intersections. Whereas men are in the lead in speeding, and also, no matter how surprising it may seem, they regularly crash into plantings.

Based on this behavior on the roads, British insurance companies have even begun to lower the insurance rate for female drivers. Women in general are more careful, they are not inclined to seek adrenaline and high speeds, and therefore they are much less likely to get into and create dangerous situations themselves.

The ladies owe such a privilege to the research of the renowned insurance company Elephant, whose specialists have studied 200,000 insured events, evaluating them by such parameters as the age and gender of the driver, the absence or presence of victims and injuries of varying severity, the amount of damage.

The results surprised even the analysts themselves: for motorists of a young age category (under 25), the difference in compensation for damages for the insurer is 15%, and far from being in favor of the male sex.

And the American Automobile Association said the average male driver has a 77% higher chance of being killed in a car accident than a motor vehicle.

Conclusions of world statistics

If we summarize the studies, observations and statistics of different countries and organizations, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Women follow traffic rules much more thoroughly.
  2. Women, due to their psychological characteristics and self-preservation instinct, behave more carefully and attentively on the road.
  3. Women hardly ever get drunk.
  4. Men quickly find their bearings in a non-standard road situation and calculate the most rational way to resolve it. This is partly due to the lower emotionality, stress resistance and composure inherent in men.
  5. Up to 40% of all accidents are caused by male drivers aged 25-30, who at the same time have little driving experience, but a lot of self-confidence. Thus, their driving style can be described as cocky and relaxed, leading to inattention and increased accidents. After 36 years, men become more careful, reducing the sad statistics, but the coefficient creeps up again after 65 years.
  6. Men are 2 times more likely to disregard traffic signals and drive through red lights.

Driving school statistics

The fair sex is now actively competing with men in all areas, so the numerical superiority of male motorists will soon disappear.

Statistics of domestic driving schools informs that in recent years the number of female students has increased by an order of magnitude. The same applies to car instructors, among whom the percentage of women is also increasing.

In the course of the educational process, women are more inclined to repeat the acquired knowledge at home, as well as to study additional literature. Therefore, when passing exams, women almost always pass the theoretical part on the first try, while men are more interested in practice.

During the practical part, women are not confident in themselves and are much more nervous than men. However, experienced instructors cannot say for sure whether women's emotionality affects the quality of driving. It is equally disturbing, leading to rash actions, and makes you generally be more careful.

On the contrary, British driving schools note that men are more likely to pass the exam for obtaining a driver's license the first time. Although women are not far behind them, it takes them twice as long to prepare for the test. But once on the road as a full participant in the movement, women are more careful - 68% of British women have never violated traffic rules.

Who drives a car better: a woman or a man

According to statistics, over the past two decades, female deaths in road accidents have increased by 14%, while a decrease of 11% was observed among male drivers over the same period of time.

Experts from insurance companies explain such a sad trend of an increase in mortality in accidents by a general increase in the number of women who got behind the wheel of a car.

Psychologists notice that the ever-accelerating pace of life and work stresses make women motorists more aggressive on the road towards other road users and pedestrians. Despite the fact that men are by nature prone to excitement, auto ladies show signs of risky behavior, previously unnoticed by the fair sex. Thus, we can talk about a gradual reduction of the gap between men and women in terms of ride quality, demeanor and traffic analysis.

So can we say unequivocally that one gender or another demonstrates the best driving skills?

Some experts agree with the theory that men are more aggressive, bolder and more desperate, and at the same time tend to violate traffic rules. However, this fact does not confirm that women are the best drivers, although statistics say that they are more prone to order on the road. They follow the road more closely, follow the rules and orient themselves well.

But a really extreme road situation most often knocks a woman off balance, causes panic and "throwing" on the road, which, in turn, leads to fatal mistakes and victims.
