Volvo recalls cars - reasons, details


The well-known Volvo company recalls new cars due to imperfections. The main reasons, possible consequences, nuances and details are named. The well-known Volvo company recalls new cars due to imperfections. The main reasons, possible consequences, nuances and details are named.

Volvo has repeatedly occupied the leading positions in the ratings of the most reliable cars. Minimum errors and maximum reliability in all models, now the legendary manufacturer is recalling its new cars, released from 2018 to 2019. According to company representatives, these are not isolated cases, but a global response. So, according to statistics, more than 120 thousand cars will be recalled in the United States alone. These cars can be of any model, from a crossover, to a sedan and a station wagon. Mostly in North America, vehicles sold between 2019 and 2020 will be recalled.

According to reports, the main reason for the recall of so many Volvo cars was a banal error in the security system, or rather in the emergency braking system and the pedestrian recognition mechanism. As a result of a software error, the system may simply not recognize the pedestrian and lead to unpleasant consequences.
According to the manufacturer, the reason for this is the incompatibility of hardware and software. For the most part, the crossovers of the XC40, XC60 and XC90 models will fall under the review. The list also includes the V60 Cross Country, V60, V90 Contry Cross and V90 wagon, released between November 2018 and March 2020.

The manufacturer will present a complete list of cars that have been recalled no earlier than May 2020. At the same time, the start of communication with car owners starts. The manufacturer clarified that it will be necessary to urgently contact Volvo service centers to update the software. However, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has already issued a list of VIN codes for Volvo cars that will be recalled.
